Phylum: Echinodermata

Class: Echinoidea - Echinoids
(regular echinoids)

Cretaceous period (click for Pennsylvanian Period)
" Regular echinoids have no front or back end. The opening for the mouth (peristome) is on their underside, and the opening for the anus (periproct) is on top. When viewed from above or below their profile is circular and radially symmetrical " 

"Phymosoma" sp. echinoids:

Phymosoma sp. echinoid
Formation: Grayson
Period:  Cretaceous (95-97 mya)
Loc: Tarrant co., Tx.  Oct. 1, 2008.
Phymosoma sp. echinoid

Period:  Cretaceous (95-97 mya)
Loc: Tarrant co., Tx.  Oct. 1, 2008.
Phymosoma sp. echinoid

Formation: Grayson
Period:  Cretaceous (95-97 mya)
Loc: Tarrant co., Tx.  Oct. 1, 2008.
Phymosoma sp. echinoid

Formation: Grayson
Period:  Cretaceous (95-97 mya)
Loc: Tarrant co., Tx. Aug. 11, 2007

"Tetragramma" echinoids:

Tetragramma sp. echinoid

Formation: Goodland
Period:  Cretaceous (103-105 mya)
Loc:  Tarrant co, Tx.  July 4, 2008.

"Salenia" echinoids:

Salenia mexicana echinoids

Formation: Goodland
Period:  Cretaceous (103-105 mya)
Loc:  Tarrant co, Tx.  July 12, 2008.
Salenia mexicana echinoid

Formation: Goodland
Period:  Cretaceous (103-105 mya)
Loc:  Tarrant co, Tx.  2008.
Salenia volana

Formation: Weno
Period:  Cretaceous (98-99 mya)
Loc:  Tarrant co, Tx.  Aug 15, 2010.
Salenia volana (same)

Formation: Weno
Period:  Cretaceous (98-99 mya)
Loc:  Tarrant co, Tx.  Aug 15, 2010.
Salenia volana (same)

Formation: Weno
Period:  Cretaceous (98-99 mya)
Loc:  Tarrant co, Tx.  Aug 15, 2010.
Salenia texana

Formation: Glen Rose
Period:  Cretaceous (108-113 mya)
Loc:  South Texas.  Found by DanW.
Salenia texana (same)

Formation: Glen Rose
Period:  Cretaceous (108-113 mya)
Loc:  South Texas. Found by DanW.
Salenia texana (same)

Formation: Glen Rose
Period:  Cretaceous (108-113 mya)
Loc:  South Texas. Found by DanW.

"Goniophorus" echinoids:

Goniophorus scotti  (top)

Formation: Grayson
Period:  Cretaceous (95-97 mya)
Loc: Tarrant co., Tx.  Aug. 22, 2009.
Goniophorus scotti  (bottom)

Formation: Grayson
Period:  Cretaceous (95-97 mya)
Loc: Tarrant co., Tx.  Aug. 22, 2009.
Goniophorus scotti  (side)

Formation: Grayson
Period:  Cretaceous (95-97 mya)
Loc: Tarrant co., Tx.  Aug. 22, 2009.
Goniophorus scotti

Formation: Grayson
Period:  Cretaceous (95-97 mya)
Loc: Tarrant co., Tx.  Oct. 9, 2007.
  Goniophorus echinoid

Formation: Fort Worth?
Period:  Cretaceous (100 mya)
Loc: Tarrant co., Tx.  Aug. 18, 2007.
L. H.:  There seems to be a difference between the Duck Creek/Fort Worth Formation species and the Grayson Formation species (scotti).
Goniophorus sp. echinoid

Formation: Duck Creek (upper)
Period:  Cretaceous (100 mya)
Loc: Tarrant co., Tx.  Sept. 26, 2009.
Goniophorus sp. echinoid (side)

Formation: Duck Creek (upper)
Period:  Cretaceous (100 mya)
Loc: Tarrant co., Tx.  May 10, 2008.
(same, bottom view)

Formation: Duck Creek (upper)
Period:  Cretaceous (100 mya)
Loc: Tarrant co., Tx.  May 10, 2008.

"Goniopygus" echinoids:

Goniopygus budaensis? echinoid
Formation: Denton/ Weno?
Period:  Cretaceous (98.5-99 mya)
Loc:  Tarrant co, Tx.  Aug. 15, 2010.
same (side view)

Formation: Denton/Weno?
Period:  Cretaceous (98.5-99 mya)
Loc:  Tarrant co, Tx.  Aug. 15, 2010.
same (bottom view)

Formation: Denton/Weno?
Period:  Cretaceous (98.5-99 mya)
Loc:  Tarrant co, Tx.  Aug. 15, 2010.
Goniopygus budaensis? echinoid

Formation: Pawpaw
Period:  Cretaceous (c. 98 mya)
Loc:  Tarrant co, Tx.  Nov. 3, 2007.

"cidarid" echinoids:

Phyllacanthus sp.  [top]

Formation:  Weno 
Period: Cretaceous  (98-99 mya)
Loc: Tarrant co., Tx.  [Reid Coll. 2013]
Phyllacanthus sp.  [bottom]

Formation:  Weno 
Period: Cretaceous  (98-99 mya)
Loc: Tarrant co., Tx.  [Reid Coll. 2013]
Phyllacanthus sp.  [side]
Formation:  Weno 
Period: Cretaceous  (98-99 mya)
Loc: Tarrant co., Tx.  [Reid Coll. 2013]
Echinoid spines and plates

Formation: Grayson
Period:  Cretaceous (96-97 mya)
Loc:  Tarrant co., Tx.  Dec. 23, 2006.
A cidaris type echinoid, plates and spines

Formation:  Del Rio 
Period: Cretaceous  (98 mya)
Loc: McLennan co.,Tx.  Nov. 17, 2007.
A cidaris type echinoid spine

Formation:  Weno?  (uppermost)
Period: Cretaceous  (98-99 mya)
Loc: Tarrant co., Tx.  July 2007.

other echinoids:

Pedinopsis texana? echinoid
Formation: Mainstreet/Grayson
Period:  Cretaceous (97 mya)
Loc:  Denton co, Tx.  Aug 16, 2008.
Leptarbacia sp.? echinoid

Formation: Mainstreet
Period:  Cretaceous (97 mya)
Loc:  Tarrant co., Tx.  [by James Cypert]